Great news! On October 1, 2022, I started an experimental Permavillage. I want to use all the techniques that will allow us to reach 100% local, zero petroleum.
To ensure the sustainability of the Permavillage we’ll produce and recycle everything on site, using permaculture techniques.
We will not use any fossil fuels, including hidden oil, i.e. (1) oil that is needed to extract the minerals and metals needed to make the many objects we use every day, as well as (2) oil used as a raw material such as plastics, synthetic textiles, rubbers, etc.
The aim is to install hives in order to produce 100% organic honey, to grow medicinal plants that are antibiotic, antiviral, etc.; to collect rainwater, to produce/grow (1) our food, (2) wood to cook and heat us, (3) our own seeds and (4) carbon plants to feed the soil.
100% local means that nothing can enter and also that nothing can exit the Permavillage, therefore we’ll have to recycle all our waste. We’ll produce our heat thanks to the rocket stove technique.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 1
- Not currently open to new members, but might be in the future
- Open to visitors
Contact us by email.
Luis Poupinha says
Hello I’m from Portugal, currently in Spain and I really want to know how to build or be part of a permavillage, would you like to meet so I can get the details? I’m currently in Spain, travelling and this is the best opportunity to go and meet you, because in a few days I’ll run out of money to go anywhere and hitchhiking through Europe has been very hard I can say
Permavillage says
Hey Luis, sorry for the late reply, the fact is, I didn’t know I could have comments on my project, just like WordPress. Well, as you may know, I am not in Spain or Portugal anylonger. I hope you have found your way somewhere in Europe 🙂
Luize says
I am thinking of moving to Belgium in autumn most likely. I lived in Gent 2 years ago a bit, but I feel like Belgium is calling me back, but I am also a bit tired of living in big cities, so the thought of helping with an ecovillage sounds great if not long term at least some part of it. So next autumn if you need people let me know, sadly I don’t have personal experience with this, but know people who do.
Permavillage says
Hello Luize, you mean autumn this year, right? something like October 2020? May I ask, where are you located now?
Beatriu says
We are a group of 18-year-old spaniards scouts who is interested in working in the forest during a forenight in August.
We’re looking forward to hearing for you soon
Rachel says
Great news that there is an initiative taking place in Belgium.
Am new to all of this and do not think I have the profile, but will follow this with great interest!
Do you have a facebook page or website for the project?
Permavillage says
Yes Rachel, both actually:
walter says
Now all is in a standstill. But certainly I’m interested to check it out. I’m doing permaculture, use of wild plants for food and medicine.
Laure Dumoulin says
Me and my boyfriend live in Ghent and are currently looking to move out of the city.
This project sounds very nice!
Could I have some more information please?
Fil says
Bonjour, je suis de Belgique, je souhaite avoir plus d’information
merci d’avance
Gui Lam says
Salut, je suis de Namur suivant la voie de la permaculture depuis longtemps.
Toujours un plaisir d’établir des connexions locales d’initiatives de transition.
Comment se retrouver?
Bien à vous 😉