La ferme du bout du monde is an ecolieu for a community of residents, an agro-ecology training centre and a permaculture farm in Arlon, Belgium. … Read more
Ramaviva fue fundada por Abelito en 2016. Era el camino de regreso de la ciudad al campo. Una media hectárea de terreno en la cordillera de Guaniuanico. El primer lugar de Cuba que funciona como un sistema de permacultura holístico. Ramaviva es la conexión de la comunidad local guajira y otra, de origen citadino, con interes en la permacultura y la re-ligación a través de prácticas eco-espirituales. Es la casa sui generis de ambos. Se ha diseñado desde la observación y la interacción con la … Read more
Eco Aldeia do Vale – Instituto Permacultura
Our ethics and values: take care of the earth Take care of people fair share … Read more
Dombfalva Community
Dombfalva is a complex and unique project that tries to connect different but fundamental areas of life. We believe that merging these basic areas of life can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. We carry out a wide range of activities, from eco-conscious architecture through landscape rehabilitation to various cultural programs. Approaching all of this with a community approach and with th … Read more
TEAL Farm is an agroecology lab and Gen Z led ecovillage located in Meredith, NY. We are dedicated to sustainability, resiliency and environmental justice. We aim to develop a community that works with nature as opposed to against it. TEAL Farm is also cottage business producing and selling soap, honey and maple syrup. Through our business ventures, we are creating opportunities for those who have never owned their home to gain financial stability and sovereignty over themselves. As a community, … Read more
Project Awe
We wish to live, learn together & evolve into better human beings. We will do this by building connections and a deep sense of belonging within the broadening heart of our community & Mother Nature. From this dream, we gave birth to the project AWE that holds space to embrace and emerge more moments of awe in life – starting with 3 hectares of land in the Northwest of Vietnam. … Read more
Setting up community
Growing more grain Milking a cow Setting up biofuels Prepping … Read more
Lou Neïssoun
Lou Neïssoun, in Provençal language “the place where the source is born”, is a human collective in nature at the service of the Living. The source which arises on the heights of the land allows the inhabitants to develop agro-ecological and cultural projects while respecting the Earth which welcomes them. … Read more
Comunidades Sustentables de la Sierra Madre
Desde el año 2000 hemos tratado de incidir dentro de las comunidades de la región que están en el área de la Sierra Madre Oriental en el Estado de San Luis Potosí. En el camino hemos recibido varios reconocimientos como el Premio Paul Robeson Fund for Independent Media 2000, la Mención Honorifica del Premio al Mérito Ecológico 2005, y el Premio Colectivo Ronda de la Agencia Latinoamericana 2019. … Read more
Parroquia Bulán Tierra sostenible
Conocer un poco mas sobre la Parroquia en la que se vive, es un zona bendecida por sus tierras y su productividad en la cual se da a conocer que es rica en la fruticultura así como en la flora y fauna que se encuentra en sus montañas con una gran fuente hídrica. … Read more