I'm an architect and urban designer who teaches at Carnegie Mellon's School of Architecture in both fields. My work is in the relationship among housing, neighborhoods, and community. I've been studying cohousing since 1990 and am currently involved in creating Rachel Carson Ecovillage on the Eden Hall campus of Chatham University in Pittsburgh. I have a strong interest in ecology and believe that we can build human settlements that are beneficial to nature as well as benefiting from it. I am certified as a permaculture designer and as a Passive House design consultant.
Primary interests: architecture, neighborhoods, ecology, community
Site content by Stefani Danes
Rachel Carson Ecovillage
Rachel Carson EcoVillage is Pittsburgh’s first ecovillage, and it will be built on the Eden Hall Campus of Chatham University. It is a 35-unit cohousing community where ecovillagers will have opportunities to participate in campus activities and contribute to the university’s advancement of sustainability. … Read more