Mandala Eco-Village: A global beacon of sustainable living, fostering reconnection with nature through permaculture, renewable energy, and a zero-waste ethos. Anchored in a breathtaking island oasis, it unites citizens worldwide in a mission to cherish Earth and create a harmonious, ecologically conscious community. … Read more
Sustainable Design
Villa Productiva Agroecológica JANUS
Inspirados en la visión, tradiciones y prácticas iniciadas a comienzos del siglo XX por las familias de colonos agricultores que llegaron al Alto Valle del río Negro y al valle inferior del rio Neuquén con sueños de progreso, adaptación y cambio, en la primera década del siglo XXI retomamos aquel espíritu de aventura y comunidad. … Read more
TEAL Farm is an agroecology lab and Gen Z led ecovillage located in Meredith, NY. We are dedicated to sustainability, resiliency and environmental justice. We aim to develop a community that works with nature as opposed to against it. TEAL Farm is also cottage business producing and selling soap, honey and maple syrup. Through our business ventures, we are creating opportunities for those who have never owned their home to gain financial stability and sovereignty over themselves. As a community, … Read more