Bioaldeia Arawikay é uma pequena comunidade intencional proativa desde o ano 2000 que está criando um Anel Ecológico para mais novas eco moradas de pessoas afins ao estilo neorrural florestal. Com vocação e boa convivência com a vida selvagem andamos pelos caminhos da sustentabilidade ética. Habitamos um vale florestal e de agricultura, em Santa Catarina, Antônio Carlos, (a 47km de Florianópolis) … Read more
spiritual dimension
La Pereuana
We are looking for neighbours, young and old - of all kind - as we have kids, of course especially families. We dream of a neighboury community in the valley and the mountains around, mutual support with own space, free schooling (if that s true for you). We are a small family 2 kids (*2016 & *2021). Apart from a neighbour community our vision for our land is to co-work on the healing between nature and human, as well as between humans. We believe that any "excuse" that serves this is a … Read more
We work together carrying love in our hearts and peace in our thoughts. We are creative. For our own well-being we practice yoga, tantric and shamanic techniques, dance, cook delicious food and express ourselves in many different artistic forms. We organize ourselves sociocratically, we share the knowledge of generations about nature, about being human. We learn from the ancients, dream the dreams of a utopia creating our own culture in harmony with nature. We learn from our errors. A wild … Read more
“Butterfly Communities” open project
In a VUCA world, we have to survive in new ways, different from those that have been successful so far. As a multicellular organism has better capacities to deal with its environment than a cell alone, the cooperative groups will be smarter and better equipped to deal with future challenges than single individuals. Those who want to move forward must learn to cooperate in mutually enhancing ways. … Read more
Cataclysmic Beginnings
We're in the middle of the possibly most cataclysmic event in the history of the planet, which is tied to the way we live in our industrial and profit-oriented civilization, which (amongst other factors) makes us drawn towards an autonomous and completely decentralized subsistence living by locally handcrafted self-sufficiency free of state-corporate control and influence. We believe in communal or tribal reciprocity as a possibility, but also in individual sovereignty and we have a dream … Read more
Edenhope Nature Preserve
The Edenhope Nature Preserve is an ecovillage located in a registered Community Conservation Area on West Coast Santo, Vanuatu. The land comprises 786ha of intact, old-growth rainforest, offering a beautiful backdrop to our peaceful way of life. In this time of global shift and transition, Edenhope Nature Preserve is a sanctuary for people to come and be part of the new world. The crisis of this planet is our catalyst for inner transformation: this ecovillage exists to present a transcendent … Read more
Shangri-la is and wants to be an intentional community for living a healthy lifestyle, free from EMF/microwaves radiations. We offer a holistic healthy environment and life FREE from unhealthy pollution from electromagnetic/EMF, wireless radiations (i.e. WiFi/mobiles) We do not have and do not allow WiFi so the CONNECTION is much better here... There is a long term possibility to join as a resident. It is also a place that offers BnB (rooms for rent) for short, or (with special … Read more
Quaker Intentional Village – Canaan
QIVC, established in 2000, is a community of about 30 people. We strive to live spirit-focused lives that are simple, sustainable, and joyful, benefitting from and enjoying our close connections with each other and the land. … Read more
Los Portales
Los Portales is an intentional community that was founded in Andalucía in 1984, although it was actually born in 1978 in Brussels. The inspiration of the founders was nurtured by Jungian psychology and dreamwork as a way to know and transform our fears and pains into power, as well as to access the talents we still do not know. … Read more
Findhorn Foundation Community and Ecovillage
The ecovillage at Findhorn is a tangible demonstration of the links between the spiritual, social, and economic aspects of life and is a synthesis of current thinking on ecological human habitats. It is a constantly evolving model providing solutions to human and social needs while at the same time working in partnership with the environment to offer an enhanced quality of life for all. The Community is comprised of more than 600 individuals who live and work in this rural area of Scotland. … Read more