Ekumal is an ecological sanctuary, sustainable community, and eco-incubator. We are in the process of certifying as a “Sanctuary of Life and Peace” under the Rights of Mother Earth (DMT- Derechos de la Madre Tierra) and are honored to be joining CASA Latina (Council of Sustainable Settlements of Latin America) and GEN North America! … Read more
Assalam community permaculture project, Zanzibar
The project began in 2018 with a dream of creating a self-sufficient farm where waste is turned into utility and goodness. The founder's journey included visiting permaculture farms worldwide and taking a Permaculture design course. The project received enthusiastic support from diverse volunteers who shared the vision of a regenerative world. Assalam Permaculture Farm is built on three ethical pillars: Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Sharing. Their primary mission is enriching the soil … Read more
Néo-Village Terra Nostra
Terra Nostra est une expérimentation de vie en village pour répondre aux évolutions du monde tel qu’il se dessine, en d’autres termes répondre à la question : “Comment habiter le monde qui vient ?”. Un monde avec moins de ressources, plus de risques de catastrophes naturelles et technologiques, plus de tensions sociales. Terra Nostra c’est 5 personnes qui œuvrent tous les jours pour se rapprocher du but fixé au démarrage du projet, et qui transmettent aux personnes de passage leurs méthodes … Read more
Taspinar Village Farm
We are a farm dealing with organic and clean food. We have goats, sheep and cats. We grow vegetables and fruits. We have mainly walnut trees, olive, plum, peach, fig, apple, etc. We grow pepper, bean, tomatoes, melon, watermelons, etc. We make products from vegetables and fruits. We produce healing creams from wild plants and olive oil. We produce yogurt, and cheese from goat milk. … Read more
La Pereuana
We are looking for neighbours, young and old - of all kind - as we have kids, of course especially families. We dream of a neighboury community in the valley and the mountains around, mutual support with own space, free schooling (if that s true for you). We are a small family 2 kids (*2016 & *2021). Apart from a neighbour community our vision for our land is to co-work on the healing between nature and human, as well as between humans. We believe that any "excuse" that serves this is a … Read more
Les 4 Sources
Nous existons pour : – permettre à tout âge, et en interaction, de déployer son plein potentiel en vivant des expériences, des moments de transmission, de ressourcements, d’échanges et de rencontres ; – prendre soin de soi, des autres et du Vivant ; – semer des graines de changement et renforcer la confiance des humains d’aujourd’hui et de demain. … Read more
Springhouse is a prototype of regenerative culture. We envision a regenerative culture where all people are connected to the vitality within themselves, their community, and the Earth. We move toward this vision by creating and sharing a model of regenerative culture through vitality-centered education that equips people to courageously respond to the world’s emerging needs. … Read more
ecoaldea Camino de Luz
El objetivo de esta ecoaldea creada en 2018 por Marie, una mujer francesa de 54 años, es de ser un santuario de biodiversidad y de paz. Se usa la permacultura para el huerto y el bosque comestible y hay proyectos como utilizar la tracción animal (con caballos), tener abejas, gallinas, ovejas. De momento, hay conejos en el sitio para la carne (no somos vegetarianos/veganos), una gata para la ternura y 2 caballos para dar paseos y para llevar leña. Queremos seguir con prácticas ecológicas como … Read more
Semilla de Mares
Installation, workshops and facilitation of Medicinal Syntropic Farming. Creation of natural medicines, esencial oils, hydrolates and teas. Creation of human projects that seek to be based on systemic well-being. … Read more
Kalikalos Holistic Education Centre
More than just a retreat centre, Kalikalos is a seasonal international community for living, working and playing together. Grounded in the practice of the Sharing Circle, we collaborate in the rhythms of a healthy, holistic, vegetarian lifestyle. In this way, the whole community becomes the container for the transformational learning experience of our workshops. … Read more