La comunidad en el Cantón Arenillas busca un futuro sostenible y equitativo, arraigada en una rica historia y valores. Guiada por principios de solidaridad e inclusión, aspira a un desarrollo que armonice crecimiento económico, equidad social y preservación ambiental. … Read more
Eco Aldeia do Vale – Instituto Permacultura
Our ethics and values: take care of the earth Take care of people fair share … Read more
Finca Sagrada Community
As keepers of sacred lands, we are in service to Earth and we are living in reciprocity with her bounty. We are building a community that honors the sacredness of the land and supports the diversity of its members, allowing us to experience and practice a flow of generosity, and to find our true roles as co-creators of life on Earth. … Read more
Dankunku Ecovillage Project The Gambia
Dankunku Ecovillage Project promoting indigenuos people knowledge and legacy traditional practices,Indigenous farmer their skills and knowledge and handicrafts. People can benefit from authentic experiences that allow them to learn about the local culture and skills . … Read more
Lebensgarten Steyerberg
The purpose of the Association is to promote popular education and cultural purposes.The purpose of the Association is to offer and hold educational courses, seminars, performances and other suitable events, and thereby, as well as through appropriate research, to promote educational objectives. … Read more
Bioaldeia Arawikay
Bioaldeia Arawikay é uma pequena comunidade intencional proativa desde o ano 2000 que está criando um Anel Ecológico para mais novas eco moradas de pessoas afins ao estilo neorrural florestal. Com vocação e boa convivência com a vida selvagem andamos pelos caminhos da sustentabilidade ética. Habitamos um vale florestal e de agricultura, em Santa Catarina, Antônio Carlos, (a 47km de Florianópolis) … Read more
Kardokai ecovillage
Ecovillage of family homesteads started in 2010 and now are placed in 40 ha. Kardokai Nature School was established in 2017. There are 15 straw-bale buildings (living houses, small houses, and school buildings- most in Eastern Europe. We organize seminars on straw-bale constructions and ecovillage festivals as well. Permaculture and community life are strong keywords in our village … Read more
Ecoaldea-IEAN Jesús, sustentabilidad y espiritualidad.
Nuestra comunidad mantiene un enfoque social, espiritual y de sustentabilidad autónoma de la economía de los miembros, se capacita a los miembros en: teología, finanzas, creación de huertos urbanos y formación de emprendimientos para la sostenibilidad de las familias. … Read more
Les 4 Sources
Nous existons pour : – permettre à tout âge, et en interaction, de déployer son plein potentiel en vivant des expériences, des moments de transmission, de ressourcements, d’échanges et de rencontres ; – prendre soin de soi, des autres et du Vivant ; – semer des graines de changement et renforcer la confiance des humains d’aujourd’hui et de demain. … Read more
Taiao Ora Farm
Taiao Ora Farm is a place for us to connect with Papatūānuku, our Earth Mother of Aotearoa New Zealand. We are 2 families on a small 4 acre farm near Ōamaru in the Waitaki District of NZ. We are passionate about working collectively on our mission–to create and benefit from affordable housing that is a model of healthy, sustainable, community living. We are seeking flatmates and shareholders. … Read more