Living Energy Farm has developed a Direct Drive DC Microgrid that we are now installing in low income communities in the U.S. and the Caribbean. Our solar energy systems provide modern services with near zero ongoing maintenance costs. We are also largely food self-sufficient, and promote regenerative food production methods. … Read more
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United Awakening Peace Strategy ONE PLANET, ONE PEOPLE, ONE PLAN
We are co-creating a common plan and organic organization that unites us in our actions secures our independence and promotes and attracts new people to the cause. … Read more
Permayouth Youth-led global network of young permaculture people
Each week young people from around the world gather together via zoom to explore what permaculture means in their local context, to learn about different ways of thinking about it and applying it. We are based at Crystal Waters Permaculture village and connect young people in other ecovillages and permaculture communities and projects around the world. This group is led by young people for young people, with Mentors from around the world too - Morag Gamble, Rosemary Morrow, Hannah Apricot … Read more
Tesis de Economía Ecológica: “Opciones de subsistencia en comunidades ecológicas” "El caso de la Ecoaldea Findhorn, Escocia"
Los resultados muestran que, mientras que las necesidades básicas son exitosamente satisfechas y hay una alta satisfacción en los trabajos, el sentimiento de sus miembros respecto a su situación económica, especialmente a lo que necesidades secundarias se refiere, es ambiguo. Además, los entrevistados más jóvenes tienen incertidumbres acerca de su futuro financiero. Por otro lado, la cosmovisión de los miembros muestra ausencia de ambiciones financieras y monetarias. La suya es una filosofía de … Read more
Ecological Economics thesis: “Livelihood options in ecological communities” "The Findhorn Ecovillage case, Scotland"
Results indicate that, while basic needs are successfully met and there is high job satisfaction, the feeling of members about their economic situation, especially regarding secondary needs, is ambiguous. Also, the youngest interviewees have uncertainties about their financial future. On the other hand, the worldview of the members shows a lack of financial ambition and monetary goals. Theirs is a philosophy of voluntary simplicity. In this way, the presence of social capital seems to counteract … Read more
Better World Cameroon
The High Value Agricultural Product (HVAP) program was designed within the remits of the Paris COP21 Agreements and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The hands-on trainings I offer to local farmers is improving livelihoods for women and promoting youth entrepreneurship (SDG 8). The HVAP products we grow is driving access to healthy food and ensuring healthy lives as they are highly nutritional and medicinal (target 3).The HVAP program strives to alleviate poverty within indigenous farming … Read more
Through cooking and catering services with young girls , through the provision of long and Short team catering services to Non Governmental Organization and to individuals while also selling in the restaurant, temporal and permanent jobs are created for young girls. "We deliver healthy and delicious African meals to NGOs, public health workers and indiduals for catering services during training workshops and occasions. We also deliver good customer care to our daily customers … Read more
Enjarres y pinturas ecológicas ECOTEC Pintar con Cal es tan saludable, como tener un árbol en tu espacio
Con estos productos elaborados con materiales locales, pigmentos naturales y cal de alta pureza producidos en México, ECOTEC ha logrado la producción de revoques ecológicos de fácil aplicación que aportan a la salud y al bienestar humano así como a una mejor relación con la naturaleza. … Read more
Alosha Lynov / BioVeda Academy trainings All the greatest teachings on affordable eco home and community construction and more all combined into one place !
Ease of sharing and learning permaculture, solutions to water scarcity and contributing to the water table instead of depleting it, super affordable and easily permitted ecological housing, affordable education and trainings in permaculture / etc, ideas to create greater senses of community / harmony with nature, etc … Read more