Women Warriors in Brazil Urban Garden of Women Warriors Quilombo
For three years now, from early 2010 to late 2012, an urban garden has existed inside a squat called Quilombo das Guerreiras (Women Warriors Quilombo), based on agroecological principles. Essentially the result of a collective work, this great intervention is part of the lively scenery of a highly urbanized and careless place, the Francisco Bicalho Avenue, in the city center of Rio de Janeiro. The urban garden gained its own ecosystem, the plants sprouted and grew between the cobblestones … Read more
Walking for Water in California The Way of a Pilgrim
Walking Water is a journey of exploration and co-creation from the source of the water in the magnificent Sierra Nevada mountains near Mono Lake, to the place of end use around 560km away in the Greater Los Angeles Area, which is home to some 18 million souls. As a pilgrim I discover the mystery, the magic, the meaning and the magnificence of life, in every step I take, in every sound I hear and in every sight I see. Satish Kumar, spiritual and ecological activist. It seems especially … Read more
Urban Ecovillages in North America These days, you can find ecovillages in more places than ever – including in places like Los Angeles or San Diego.
When you hear the word “ecovillage” you might think of a collection of rustic cabins on a rural farm. Or maybe you imagine a solar-powered suburb like the Ithaca Ecovillage in NY state. You might think living in an ecovillage is too remote or unaffordable. But these days, you can find ecovillages in more places than ever - including the 40-member Los Angeles Ecovillage near downtown LA and the Le Case community in San Diego. For two years, I lived in an urban ecovillage in SE Portland, OR, … Read more
TRANSIT Change and Innovation in GEN: Results of the EU research project TRANSIT
Ecovillages are fascinating experiments, Iris Kunze first came across them in 1996. Ever since then, she has been keeping in touch with the ecovillage movement motivated by researching and teaching on sustainable ways of living, at university. Prompted by GEN's 20th anniversary, she and her colleague concluded a research study on 20 networks as initiatives for social innovation with the EU-Project TRANSIT (TRANsformative Social Innovation Theory). Here she summarizes their preliminary findings … Read more
Thoughts from Chile Weaving invisible territorial structures
Jaime H. March Fernández, representing Ecochile Network and CASA, reflects on bringing together the ancient wisdom of the land, the cultures, and the new movements for sustainability. … Read more
Texto organizativo Asamblea en Los Molinos
Como adjunto el 'texto organizativo Asamblea en Los Molinos' facilitado por Victor. El documento que envio victor de organizacion de cuando el encuentro de los molinos, lo veo desfasado, ya han pasado muchos años. covendría actualizarlo no se si los anteriores coordinadores disponen de algún documento resumen actualizado sobre las decisiones adoptadas en la RIE. pregunto ????? si no fuera el caso propongo reelaborar el documento y actualizarlo que os parece ???? eliminando decisiones … Read more