Ecovillage Youth Exchange Project Opens for Applications Connecting youth and communities across continents
Apply for the Ecovillage Youth Exchange Project For young people from Senegal and Germany working on Ecology, Social Justice, or community work Deadline: 27 February 2022 Apply here: … Read more
X Consejo de Visiones Guardianes de la Tierra – Llamado del puente de wirikuta
Hola a tod@s. Tal y como hablamos en el Encuentro de la RIE en Valdepielagos, me puse en contacto con la organizacion del X Consejo de Visiones Guardianes de la Tierra; para la participacion como RIE . Me respondieron enviando mas informacion sobre el encuentro (que adjunto); pero al final no voy a participar. Por una parte por cambio de planes y no creo o no estoy segura que vaya a estar en la zona durante las fechas; por otra tampoco me apasiona tanto tanto como para desplazarme desde donde … Read more
Two Job opportunities with GEN Africa Part time, remote work supporting the Global Ecovillage Network across the African continent
GEN Africa is currently seeking highly motivated candidates for two part time positions supporting the regional network. The submission timelines for applications are short so please review the job descriptions, complete all requested materials and submit by the dates outlined on each job description. Job Opportunity GEN Africa Regional Coordinator Job Opportunity GEN Africa Bookkeeper UPDATE We have extended the deadline for this job posting to Tuesday, April 10th, 2018! Click here to … Read more
A Twin Journey between the Ecovillages Guedé Chantier and Damanhur A mutual learning and support experiment between two large ecovillages - one from Africa and one from Europe - show how North-South collaboration can look.
Brief introductions to Guedé Chantier and Damanhur communities Guedé Chantier is located in the north of Senegal, 480 km from Dakar, on the bank of Doué river and about 12 km close to the Senegalese border with Mauritania. It is an oasis in a semi-arid region with a short rainy season between August and October with less than 400 millimeters. The dry season is the rest of the year. Peak heat is May, and June can reach 45-47° C during the day. Guedé has a population of around 7,000 … Read more
trabajo de la RIE
PROPUESTA ALTERNATIVA PARA EL TRABAJO EN LA RIE (espero comentarios y otras propuestas) Como he dicho a algún-s compañeros, estoy de acuerdo con los fines de la RIE pero no con los medios/el camino (por eso, después de varios años de participación, dejaré de acudir a los encuentros). El trabajo que hacemos me parece demasiado atado a principios de una sociedad que queremos dejar atrás: se basa mucho en a) el dinero que movemos y las resultantes discusiones, en b) una comunicación … Read more
Toolbox Collect entries which support your projects
In your toolbox you can collect all content which might be helpful for projects or personal development. Simply click the 'Into my toolbox' button next to each entry or the red toolbox symbol on teasers. In the user menu at the very top of the site you find a "My toolbox" link. This is where you will find a list of all collected entries. Go to your toolbox … Read more