Ecovillage and LAND-center to be. Conciously holistic sustainability. First estate donated to Ikikaiku Foundation aiming to study and learn the best practicies of sustainability and to make it possible for people to devote themselves to taking care of land without owning it. … Read more
Livonsaaren yhteisökylä
Livonsaari community is an ecovillage under construction located in the south-west Finland, about 35 kilometers from the city of Turku. Currently about 30 adults and 20 children live in the community, and in addition there are some active members of the community who might move to Livonsaari in the near future. The land we live on is about 60 hectares large, some of it being fields and some rocky woods. Livonsaari is an island, so naturally we have access to the sea. There are several new … Read more
Gaijan Luomukylä
Gaijan Luomukylä is located in Ähtäri on the shores of Lake Oulujärvi, where we strive to live communally and without much stress. Our ten acres of land are home to a large rocky main building, several log homes, gardens and fields for cultivation, as well as plenty of pastures for our animals. Located at the end of the land and next to the beach, is a campfire site and a sauna. The community is currently home to 15 people, including children. Our daily work consits primarily of maintaining … Read more
Keuruu Ecovillage
Keuruu Ecovillage is an international community located in the heart of Finland. It was founded by the group of eco-spirited people in 1997. Currently we have 30 adults and 10 children living here. On the larger scale we have approximately 150 supporting members who live outside but regurlarly visit us and receive our newsletter. Both us and supporting members are connected by the will to live in harmony with the nature and themselves. Ecovillage consists of 54 hectares of land of which 24 … Read more