Vision quest is a rites of passage usually undertooken by native americans and brought into a modern context. It is a very powerfull time for people to prepare for transistion (or confirmation), go out into solitude & wilderness and then come back into a community to share their gifts. Usually it is hosted by experienced guides or elders and in its full length it consists of 4 days preperation, 4 days/nights of solotime in nature and 4 days of integration. But the basic flow and the … Read more
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Presencing The movement of letting go, listening into the silence and letting come
Presencing, described as a stage within the Theory U Process as well as other contemplative methods, is the capacity to connect to the deepest source of self, which allows the future to emerge from the whole rather than from a smaller part or a special interest group. Danish sculptor and management consultant Erik Lemcke describes his experience of this process as follows: “After having worked with a particular sculpture for some time, there comes a certain moment when things are changing. … Read more
Personal Resilience Maintaining and Developing Personal Vitality and Wellbeing
It can help to see ourselves as composed of four different elements: earth, air, fire, water. These can be taken to correspond to different aspects of ourselves: Earth: The Physical Self – voice, position, tone, fitness Air: The Mental Self – mind, thinking, logic, strategy Water: The Emotional Self – feelings, rapport, empathy Fire: The Spiritual Self – vision, purpose, inspiration Building a daily or weekly practice that activates and exercises each of these four elements will go a … Read more
Theory U How to lead and cocreate from the emerging yet unknown future
Successful leadership depends on the quality of attention and intention that the leader brings to any situation. The nature of the inner place in leaders is something of a mystery to us. At its core, leadership is about shaping and shifting how individuals and groups attend to and subsequently respond to a situation. Learning to recognize the habits of attention in a business culture requires, among other things, a particular kind of listening. Theory U, initiated by Otto Scharmer, speaks … Read more