Many years ago a father and his sons dreamt of starting a farm and space for visitors where sustainable and respectful living in nature could be fostered. After extensive travels, this dream became reality and has since grown into what has now become the Zopilote Permaculture Farm. The project has grown rapidly. More than 10,000 plants have been planted, huts and wetlands for purification created and paths, compost toilets, natural waste disposal systems and terracotta ovens built.
Principles of permaculture are continuously put into practice and close ties have been made to the local economy. As a result, strong emphasis is put on the natural, the social, the ecological, the economical and the local. Approximately 30 helpers have been employed from surrounding villages and to further aid in the expansion of the project, volunteers are regularly welcomed.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 3
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
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